Responsibility 199, what is it?

Responsibility 199 is a belief; I believe that to be healthy and to increase my longevity I need to weigh 199 pounds or less...
Responsibility 199 is a need; I need to reduce my weight, reduce my percentage of body fat, and the elevated threat of disease my present condition presents...
Responsibility 199 is a mission; I recognize that achieving 199 will be a challenge, perhaps the hardest I have ever undertaken...
Responsibility 199 is a commitment; I acknowledge that I must commit to action, commit to change, commit to myself and those I love to achieve this mission, to increase my longevity...
Responsibility 199 is ME.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 285 - Oops, I Did It Again...

So sorry for any of you that came here looking for some Britney Spears love. If you want that go HERE.

Recall last week I brought you this peek into my workout.

So, I was on a roll this past Monday and had another such moment and shot this for you...

Now was that not the best 79 minutes of entertainment no money could buy or what?

Hit me up with any chuckles, comments on form, the music in the background that I didn't realize would come over so loud, or referrals to a basement remodeler.

Yesterday was cardio day, me and the elliptical got busy!

Today is a day of rest, whew.

Food this week has been good

A few have asked, my next weigh-in is this coming Sunday; first in 3-weeks hopeful for great numbers.

How is your week going?

Responsibility 199 - Gotta Do It!!


  1. Pokes to you, my dear!
    Check out those guns!

  2. love the video! It's so nice to hear a voice with a familiar face...nice going on the workout. I have a question for you: How did you keep from getting on the scale everyday? I find i weigh almost every morning when my eating is good.

  3. Speed up the curls next time cookie monster or hold it half way through for a couple seconds... Funny stuff.

  4. Just wanted to thank you for your comment this morning. It really made my day =) I think im going to put my scale up for a while. Maybe get my husband to hide it from me,lol. Have a great day

  5. You go Patrick!!!! I love working biceps!!! You always make me smile! You can try some negatives to mix it up too!

    Keep up the great work!

  6. A sloooow, burning, downward movement while making faces would be tops! :) Loved it!

  7. Where's the kitty? I saw the kitty crate but no kitty. You are doing great. Love hearing a voice with the words.
    Take care and have a blessed morning.

  8. Love the video! I'm sure you'll have a great weigh in

  9. First in 3 weeks weeks?? Was that planned? Or are you just not all crazy about the scale like us ladies are?

  10. Loved it. Nice form, good tunes. How do you stay away from the scale? Is it a Y chromosome thing? That's my usual rationale.

  11. Again! Loved your post. You had me giggling!

  12. Woooohoooo! Way to go, Patrick! Looking great, hon! Keep it up! :)

  13. Just wanted to say that I am so glad you found me, yours is one of my favorite blogs to watch/read! keep up the good work!

  14. Wow, sexy gloves. ;-) Good for you! Excited to hear about your weigh in...good luck! My week is going ok, took two days off working out which is unlike me so I feel uber guilty now.

    Polar's Mom

  15. Nice set! Looks like you need to up the weight a bit or pause the reps a bit. Love the videos...keep em coming.

  16. 79 minutes? more like 79 seconds mate! Thanks for popping by my blog... and yeah I know sunburn blisters weigh NOTHING... more's the pity. *sniff* .... cos I have lots of blisters. lol
