Responsibility 199, what is it?

Responsibility 199 is a belief; I believe that to be healthy and to increase my longevity I need to weigh 199 pounds or less...
Responsibility 199 is a need; I need to reduce my weight, reduce my percentage of body fat, and the elevated threat of disease my present condition presents...
Responsibility 199 is a mission; I recognize that achieving 199 will be a challenge, perhaps the hardest I have ever undertaken...
Responsibility 199 is a commitment; I acknowledge that I must commit to action, commit to change, commit to myself and those I love to achieve this mission, to increase my longevity...
Responsibility 199 is ME.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 99 - Cozy Motor'n

Odd drive yesterday; sun, rain, cloudy, more rain, wind, sun shower,
lightning, rain, dark, moon, whew. Six of us in my Ford Expedition. We fit into it with more luxurious feel when the kids were seven years younger, smaller and slept more.

Today, they are mid-teens & tall & not much for sleeping. Myself, being 40+ less pounds is oh so nice for this driving trip. We stopped in Springfield IL yesterday for food and paid a visit to Cozy Dog; home of the corn dog. Naturally, I chose the pork tenerloin sandwich vs the corn dog. Four corn dogs did get enjoyed at our table though. We wanted to go to a place called D'Arcys Pint, but the wait was near 2 hours so we opted for corn dogging.

Family is still asleep. Off I go to the hotel fitness center. Vacation; a time when I have historically ignored the need to make healthy choices. Who says you cannot re-write history?

Responsibility 199 - Gotta Do It!!


  1. You're doing it! Good for you!!

    Have a great time!

  2. Hot dogs are great guilty pleasures, but I gotta say I woulda gone for the pork tenderloin sammie, too. I bet it was delicious. Love the sign!

  3. As i said before,, with a teen and pre teen myself. I do NOT envy you this roadtrip lol. I have visions of the "stop touching me" stop touching my stuff", "im bored", are we there yet" and the ever favorite. You get on my nerves, so you get on my nerves, well you get on my nerves more argument lol. Have fun!!

  4. Obviously you CAN re-write history! Good for you Patrick!

  5. I do not recommend the type of food you and the family seem to eat all the time, but if it works for you, what do I know.

  6. Camevil, I came closeto going withthe corn dog just because it was what they are known for, but, left that experience to the wife & kids.

    Trina, the kids were fairly tame on the trip; they have matured quite well. When they were all pre-teens or new teens, yeah, what you said was so true and I didn't look forward to trips as much.

    I wouldnt say that I recommend the food either Dr J, while on vacation we're not holding them to being accountable on their choices as much as at home. And at home we do grill quite a bit and enjoy more meat than we possilbly should. Trying to enjoy what we eat and be healthier than we have been. We'll get better & better gradually and in time I expect replace more & more 'marginal' choices with better ones mroe consistently.
